These assessment tools determine the strengths and weaknesses of teams. We use these evaluations to improve team leadership abilities as part of our consulting and executive coaching services.

  1. Five Dysfunctions of a Team assessment is based on research in the best-seller, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” by Patrick Lencioni, who identified five team aspects that are present in high-functioning teams. It compares the targeted team with national norms and helps them diagnose which problems are preventing success. Sample Report
  2. Team Effectiveness assessment is our own proprietary model for developing high-functioning teams based on research and our extensive experience. We complete this assessment with interviews and on-line surveys. Some areas evaluated to help teams improve their effectiveness are: Team Vision, Role Clarity, Member Skills, Structure, and Processes.
  3. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator profiles team and determines how they can improve communications, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict management, change management, and other leadership requirements. Sample Report