One of the core components of any job success are the level of cognitive abilities required to handle the responsibilities, problems faced, planning requirements, and handling novel situations and job challenges. These abilities are good predictors of future potential. We utilize the best commercially available tools for assessing cognitive abilities. Examples include:

  1. The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal measures an individual’s critical thinking skills. This widely-used and well-validated assessment tool determines one’s ability to analyze and solve complex problems, create strategic plans, adapt to novel situations, and handle increased responsibilities. Sample Report
  2. Hogan Business Reasoning evaluates a wide range of cognitive abilities necessary for success in the work environment. It yields a composite “critical reasoning” score that indexes the respondent’s ability to recognize, understand, and solve complex problems. It identifies how a person accesses and applies cognitive resources in response to work demands. Sample Report
  3. Employee Aptitude Survey contains a variety of cognitive assessments including Verbal Comprehension, Numerical Ability, and Numerical and Verbal Reasoning. Normative, reliability, and validity data are provided for a variety of jobs. Sample Report